Why become a registered customer?
Various laws regulate the transfer or sale of personal consumer information. Only those who conform to those laws may legally access confidential information. The registration process is a process of qualifying the end user as a legitimate user extending a loan, credit line, lease, or employment and who will respect all privacy regulations.
What must members agree to?
Registered Customers agree to conduct searches only on people with which they are doing legitimate business. They agree to keep all information confidential and for their eyes only. They agree to get written permission from the applicant to conduct a search.
How long will it take to process my registration?
Usually within two hours after you have completed the application submissions. There may be extra requirements.
What are those requirements?
You may be required to provide additional documentation to satisfy any doubt of the Compliance Officer and demonstrate that your need for an investigative report is to analyze the potential of a legitimate business relationship. That documentation might be a copy of the application you use for contracts, leases or lines of credit.
What about leasing?
In the case of lease by an individual landlord, documentation of ownership of the rental property, if that is different from the owners address, must be produced.
How will I be billed?
A credit card must be kept on file or arrangements made to establish credit.
Must a credit card be used to pay my invoice?
Yes, please fax a Credit Card Authorization to 1-800-522-8437.
How long has AMSTies been in business?
AMSTies is a brick and mortar service company celebrating over twenty years in business. AMS is an acronym for Advanced Management Specialists, and TIES is an acronym for “The Information Exchange System.”
What if I lose my customer/code number?
Your customer/code number is like a PIN number at a bank. It is dangerous in the wrong hands. A dishonest person could use your number to access and defraud a consumer.
How can I replace a code number?
For obvious reasons, an operator cannot give code numbers over the phone. To replace a lost number you will need to fax or mail your request. To replace a lost number send your signature and social security number so the operator can match your signature with your application. There is a five dollar charge to replace lost code numbers.
Can I charge the applicant for the report?
If you charge the applicant for the report he will want a copy that you cannot give to him. Instead charge an application fee that covers all your application expenses.
Why can’t I give a copy of the report to the applicant?
Because the law and our contract with suppliers require that the consumer get a disputed copy of the report directly from the consumer file keeper — that copy has extra information for common understanding and extra materials enclosed as required by law.
What If I turn the applicant down for credit or lease?
Give the consumer a Notice of Adverse Action. They can use it as a ticket to get a free report.
What should I do If I deny a person a job based on their report?
Give the copy of the report to the Applicant, it is different from a report for a credit transaction. Provide him also with a Notice of Adverse Action.
How long can an item remain on a report?
- Inquiry — 2 years
- Merchant report — 4 years
- Judgment — 7 years after payment
- Collection — 7 years after payment
- Bankruptcy Chapter 13 — 7 years
- Bankruptcy Chapter 7 — 10 years
What about Credit Scoring?
Credit scoring is a mathematical model that attempts to determine the chances of bankruptcy from current account activity. The method assigns numerous values to every possible situation and element of a credit report. Scoring assigns a number to the consumer’s credit report in a way that is supposed to represent the likelihood of bankruptcy. The Lower the number, the more likely bankruptcy. The numbers run from 400 low to 850 being perfect.
What is a “Written Summary?”
The Written Summary is a summary of an individual’s credit, written in plain English by an operator trained to read and interpret reports.
Should I discuss the report with my applicant?
If you feel that discussion of the record will advance your knowledge, then fine. Just remember, you are speaking with a biased source. Objectivity requires objective information.