Business Credit Reports
Credit report provided on a business seeking a rental or credit from you. This report is essential when making credit granting decisions for a business.
Business Profile Reporting: objective, reliable & credible. This report is based on objective third parties reporting actual payment history. The trade data is collected from credit grantors like you to ensure quality and consistency.
Experian provides a business’ risk potential by showing the DBT. The DBT (Days Beyond Terms) is expressed as the average number of days past the “invoice due” date. This information is shown in comparison with other similar companies to give you a detailed understanding of the credit worthiness of a company you are evaluating.
The Business Profile report shows the payment trends, the DBT and also contains public record information including bankruptcies, tax liens and Uniform Commercial Code filings.
The Business Profile also provides company background information on the business. This can help you identify potential fraud by validating a company’s identity: date of incorporation – president/key personnel, company start date – just some of the key information provided/verified.